Welcome to our information and news web site devoted to China

We would like to offer you regular update on the latest events in the region and provide you with current economic and legal news. We welcome your experience and comments on doing business with Chinese partners - do not hesitate to e-mail us at the address in the contact section. The most interesting contributions will be published regularly. Share your knowledge with others, just like the Chinese have been doing for 10,000 years.

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Beijing: jasno
-1.06 °C
Počasí - jasno
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6.92 °C
Počasí - jasno
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0.51 °C
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Hong Kong: oblačno
17.41 °C

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New York

Transcription of Chinese Words

This section is intended for those who are not sure how to pronounce a Chinese word written using the official Chinese transcription (pinyin). If you are not sure how to pronounce names (e.g. Zhang Xiao) you can use the transcription table. You can also go in the opposite direction, i.e. transforming Czech transcription to Chinese one.

Instruction: Enter Czech or Chinese transcription and click on the red button. If (?) is shown instead of a syllable the syllable does not exist in Chinese.

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ETHNIC-Chinese shopkeepers in Lhasa's old Tibetan quarter knew better than the security forces that the city had become a tinder-box. As word spread rapidly through the…

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